Friday, January 20, 2012


Sorry for this laaaate late posting. A week ago, I turn to seventeen! Yeay finally. Now I can get my own driving license, citizenship ID card, and this is my last year in high school. It's about 3 months to go to college. Hope I can achieve my dream to go to Chemical Engineering in ITS, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November, Surabaya.

Well, Mush'ab gave me a gift and the gift was just too... sweet! Yes, tooooooo sweet. I can never imagine that he would give me that gift.

Can you count the stars? Hihih. I love star, and he knew it. But I have no idea that he would string up the stars he have made for my birthday. It such a surprise and I love it! Thank you, Love :)
He gave me a hi-waist denim trousers, a pale yellow puffy t-shirt, and a pink stripes shirt. Well, actually I don't really care what present he would give me, because having him in my life is a gift from God :) But I do like all the presents, especially the pale yellow one. I'll post the pictures of the present soon!

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Hari ini gue kumpul sama Exorcist di rumah Elita. Yaaah, udah lama banget sih ga kumpul kaya gini, terakhir kali kayanya pas kelas 10 deh. Tapi it's okay, ga mengurangi kadar persahabatan antara gue, Ika, dan Elita.
Tadi kita nonton film drama komedi romantis dari Thailand, yang sebenernya film ini release nya udah agak lama, sekitar tahun 2010. Judulnya First Love (Crazy Little Thing Called Love). Pas pertama denger judulnya dari tweet temen di timeline, kok kayanya gue berasa familiar gitu sama judul ini. Dan pas googling gambarnya ternyata nih film pernah direkomendasiin Majalah Gadis sekalian buat kuis nobar film ini.

Singkat cerita, gue dan kawan-kawan nonton film ini. Dari awal cerita aja udah keliatan cowo ganteng, gimana mau konsen sama jalan ceritanya coba muehehe. Tapi ternyata kami cukup konsen ngikutin film ini sampe abis.

Sebenernya cerita yang diangkat di film ini bisa dibilang biasa. Tapi menurut gue justru ke-"biasa"-annya inilah yang bikin film ini bisa masuk box office. Ceritanya remaja banget dan sangat real, cocok lah ditonton buat seru-seruan bareng temen atau pacar.

Plotnya flashback, tapi lebih ke arah maju karena scene awal itu cuman ngambil 3-5 menitan. Jadi sinopsisnya, ada seorang cewek bernama Nam (Pimchanok Leuwisetpaibul), murid kelas 1 yang suka sama seniornya di kelas 4, Shone (Mario Maurer). Nah di awal cerita digambarin si Nam ini wajahnya jelek banget, item, kacamatanya jadul, gak modis, yah pokoknya masuk di jajaran anak gak populer di sekolahnya. Sementara Shone cowok yang gantengnya semena-mena, atlet sepakbola, dan penyuka fotografi yang otomatis jadi inceran murid-murid cewek.
Demi rasa sukanya ke Shone, Nam rela ngelakuin apa aja mulai dari curi-curi pandang, baca buku metode menggaet senior, make over, ikut klub nari, ikut klub drama, sampe copot behel gara-gara si Shone gasuka sama behelnya.
Ada beberapa adegan atau scene di film ini yang bikin kita keinget sama rasanya jatuh cinta diam-diam. Bahkan secara jujur gue ungkapkan disini, film ini mengingatkan gue kejadian pas kelas 10 saat gue ngefans sama kakak kelas 12. Mulai dari nyuri ulangannya yang sampe sekarang masih gue simpen, sampe datengin rumah temen gue yang tetanggaan sama dia. Nahlo kok malah jadi curhat guenya -___-

Kalau diceritain lebih detil lagi kayanya ga asik ya. Saran gue sih buat yang belum nonton film ini, tonton aja. Genre film ini bukan film berat yang butuh pemikiran kok. Feel persahabatan sama percintaannya dapet. Porsi komedi sama dramanya pas, gak nanggung. Disini yang bikin film jadi lebih fresh itu gurunya yang super kocak, yang menurut gue mirip artis Indonesia, Ana C. Pinem. Ada juga suatu adegan dimana Nam pada akhirnya ngungkapin perasaannya ke Shone dan tau bahwa Shone udah punya pacar padahal Shone sendiri juga menaruh perasaan .Bagian yang ini sedih banget. Ada diary Shone yang isinya foto-foto Nam yang diambil secara candid. Aaaaah bikin nangis deh. Yang agak gue sesalin adalah endingnya yang kurang menarik. Gue berharap endingnya bisa lebih dari itu.

Kesimpulannya, film ini top recommended. Kalau disuruh ngasih rating, gue kasih 4/5.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Debut

Hola amigo! Long time no see, huh? Sorry for this late posting, I had so much to do so that I have no time for internet and virtual world. Even for my BlackBerry Internet Service.

Well, this time I'm about to posting a fashion-kind-posting. What makes this posting different with the previous one is, it's about my own style. My passion in fashion. But I'd like to call this posting as The Debut, WHY? Because it is the very first time I post my own style to this blog. Though I know I'm not that fashionable and not so stylish, I still want to share these things to you.

I'll try to look like a fashion blogger in this posting, so forgive me if there will be so much similarities with Hot Chocolate & Mint, my inspiration.

I took these photos a couple days ago, in purpose for joining Stylish Mini Tote Bag Competition which held by Gadis magazine, a popular teen magazine. But it makes me so sad knowing that the photo upload limit was January 2nd, 2012; while I uploaded my photos this evening. But no problems, maybe it was not my lucky day. I'm sure I can join the same competition next time.

So now, I will share my style, in a fashion blogger way :) Check check!

Unbranded t-shirt, unbranded batik skirt, Gadis' mini tote bag, League shoes, Baby-G watch

Fame blouse, self design skirt, unbranded socks, Nevada shoes, unbranded bow hairpiece, Gadis' mini tote bag, Baby-G watch


This skirt is designed by me, but my mom chose the material secretly

I got this mini tote bag as the bonus of Gadis 2012 Annual Edition. Thanks Gadis!

 I love the colors combination :)

I love that batik skirt for sure! I have 3 batik skirts on my closet, 2 skirts and a maxi one. Actually I never wear the maxi because it is too long for me and I was thinking about remodel it.

Oh, I did some Me Time in this holiday. And see what I've done!

Nail polished my right hand. So messy actually.

My left hand. Hell yeah reaaaaaally messy

Left-right. Too messy to publish. Argh!

Well, I keep on trying to be a real fashion blogger.